Hi! I am Stormpaw! I am Miststar's grand daughter. I think I'm the decsendent of Fogstar I mean I look so much like her! Anyway your early you know, Miststar is out hunting so I'll just give you a tour!
Now you may have heard that Fogclan territory is always been covered in fog, well it is not true. We do get a lot of fog here but we don't always have it. But it makes hunting easier, we have adjusted to the air being so foggy but prey hasn't! And it is our battle technique too, those clans never see it coming!
Now I know you don't believe me about the fog because of today being foggy. BUT. It is true so follow my scent. Just through the trees, over the rock....
STOP. You passed the entrance. Where? Well right here, under the bush. See it? The tunnel, we dug it ourselves. Our camp was never found once before. Impressive, I know. We line the tunnel with moss, and sometimes it just grows here.
AHH! Hehe, umm Miststar what are you doing here? Oh well I didn't know the hunting patrol came back. It looked like you were going somewhere. To get the visitor.................... Umm well I should go........MISTSTAR YOU CAN TAKE IT FROM HERE!
Sorry Stormpaw can be a pawful. Anyway I'm sure she already told you our history so lets look at the camp. As you can see the camp is crouded and lively.
See the big mossy tree well that is where annoucements are made and under the roots is my den. Lots of moss grows in the forest, so we don't even leave camp to get moss.
See the tall grass over there? Well in the middle of the grass there is a rabbit hole we widened for the apprentices den. In here is where apprentices rest after training. Everyone except Stormpaw she just won't rest.
Now on the edge of the grass next to the first tree is the Warriors den. right now the warriors are sharing tongues and eating prey. The grond in here was rock and a little sand, but we filled it with moss so it would be comfortable.
The Queens and kits sleep under that small mound of bushes and soil. The kits like to pretend that they're warriors ambushing other clans from the bushes. We shouldn't desturb them the queens just got the kits to sleep. But peek in, it's mostly snad and moss but it is really soft.
Next to the Nursery is the elders den. It looks the same as the nursery just as soft, just as warm, but instead of playful kits we have grumpy elders. I'm kidding our elders are very kind and patient. The only diffrence is the pool of water in the back.
You may have noticed the trail in the back of camp. It isn't long just around the and the medicine clearing is here. it is right on the beach so the ground is all sand. see the half tree in the center well under that is the den where supplies are kept and sick cats.
That is our camp stay as long as you need if your leaving now make sure to get some food first.